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low level light therapy laser (LLLT)

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Laser Hair Treatment that works UNDER THE SKIN for cell division. Non invasive, no heat, and safe with no  side effects.

 2007 FDA cleared device - Laser proven to regrow hair-in a Multi-Center Double Blind, Sham-Device Controlled Clinical Study - 93% of people got an average of 19 new thick hairs per centimeter in 6 months (most clinics find best results in 12-24 months).


International Journal of Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Dermatology showed a 93% increase on hair among the respondents using Laser in the study!


SAFE! LLLT has been used clinically for numerous ailments in Europe for over 30 years and has been the subject of over 3,5000 scientific papers, published worldwide. LLLT is cleared for safety by the FDA. There are no reported side effects to the therapy which is painless, non-toxic and complements many traditional therapies. 

(LLLT) was created back in the 1960's for skin cancer. What they found was that a treated group with shaved hair, grew back quicker then the untreated hair. LLLT has been used in Europe now for over 35 years. It has been used to grow back bone and tissue, for pain management, soft tissue damage, and to heal the wounds of Diabetics using its ability to generate a protein synthesis at the cellular level.

The first LLLT in USA was used in 1992. XTC's parent company took interest being done on hair. The laser was purchased in Italy and brought to hair clinics creating programs for people. The lasers today are Certified diodes. The devises boast 120 to 160 red light diodes for Best devised available.

The laser is a cool laser, that effectively stimulated the scalp area and causes an increase in blood flow called Photo-biostimulation.


There are 5 distinct Effects Known to occur while using LLLT:

1.  ATP - An increase in ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) ad protein synthesis, causing an increase in osmotic cellular function

2.  Cell Growth - Improved cell proliferation

3. Protein Growth - Increase in protein synthesis, causing a change in cell membrane permeability.

4. Circulation - Increased blood circulation by 54% after only one treatment, providing a supply of nutrients to the hair follicle.

5. Capillaries - Clinically proven to increase the size of he capillaries under the hair follicle


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use everyother day

30 mins

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